A lot is heard these days about cholesterol and how we have levels that are too high, that is good and bad cholesterol and that we should avoid it in our diet. Cholesterol is a fairly fatty substance that is essential for many metabolic processes. It is normally produced by the liver, but a substantial proportion is derived from our diet. Cholesterol is an essential food substance and our bodies are generally good at manufacturing it, so there is little need derive extra cholesterol from the diet of animal fats. Cholesterol is essential building block for membranes, hormones, bile and of course Vitamin D. Without bile we would not be able to digest any vegetable oils or fats.
Inflammatory bowel disease is also known as ulcerative colitis. It is a long term chronic inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the large intestine. Known also as IBD, it should never be confused with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which is a sensitive bowel that reacts to some foods and diets.
IBD is a chronic problem and can often lead to hospitalisation. The cause is generally unknown but it is suggested that it may be a defect in the body’s immune system. This has lead to the use of TNF blockers as treatments.